Why Learning Colors And Shapes Is So Important For Young Children

Posted On : 24-Apr-2023



The moment a child is born, they get introduced to several different shapes and colors. While a baby cannot talk or express their feeling with solid words right from the beginning, they learn to recognize and relate to certain colors and shapes that they see most commonly in their natural surroundings. The visual stimuli that they receive go a long way in the development of their cognitive skills and help them in object recognition, evolving their language and self-expression along with encouraging communication and interaction abilities. 

Unlike books designed for adults, you will see that toddlers and preschool books are filled with bright, vibrant colors and illustrated with simple yet accurate pictures. One of the main reasons behind this being the case is that through these books your child gets introduced to a bunch of different shapes, colors, and sizes that they will come across in the course of their lives. Most importantly, a proper concept of the different shapes, patterns, and shades paves the way for learning and improving other skills as well. Differentiating between the various shapes and colors is a daily requirement for every individual. Whether you are on the road or at home, starting from road signs to manual instruction about your electronic devices— you will notice that this one big aspect of learning gets implemented everywhere. 

How Do Learning Color And Shapes Help In your Child’s Education?

Learning colors and shapes hold a lot of significance and importance when it comes to your child’s education. From maths to language, most books, and texts designed for children associate colors and shapes with the facts so that your child learns to relate and remember. Some of the most prominent reasons why knowledge of shape and colors is crucial for a child’s education are mentioned below.

  • Understanding Maths: One of the very first lessons in mathematics and geometry comes from the building blocks and legos your children play with. Puzzles too can be of great help in this context. As your child needs to think about which piece fits a certain structure perfectly, they are not only applying concepts of geometric but also mensuration and even permutation and combination. 


  • Developing Sorting and Organizing Abilities: Sorting, organizing, and categorizing a set of elements, objects or abstracts play a very vital role in most individual’s life. Through activities like painting and solving puzzles your kid learns not only about the varied shapes and colors but also learns to find out the points of similarities as well as differences between them. Children’s colorful board books with their 3-D pages can be a great source of learning in this context. They effectively help in problem-solving and improve their logical thinking as they need to relate and identify the features for sorting.


  • Developing vocabulary: Colors and shapes form the basis of developing a good vocabulary. Physical attributes and the terms related to the same are some of the first things a child would notice. Their ability to express the difference between a red ball and a white box basically forms the foundation of their language development and helps them become adults with great communicative and interactive skills in the long run.


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    Jack Richard

    12 May 2018

    Et veniam possimus voluptatum voluptatem excepturi qui. Unde eum ut architecto veritatis quia deserunt incidunt consequatur. In fugiat voluptatem porro distinctio deleniti quod labore. Ipsam quibusdam inventore enim molestiae ducimus perspiciatis omnis. Eos repellat enim qui sit eaque maiores.

    Quos quos tempora ab eos eum. Et libero fugiat quia et qui. Et illo et ut dolor nihil esse dolores rerum. Ut voluptatem voluptatibus non officiis aut quia.

    • Image

      Jack Richard

      12 May 2018

      Et veniam possimus voluptatum voluptatem excepturi qui. Unde eum ut architecto veritatis quia deserunt incidunt consequatur. In fugiat voluptatem porro distinctio deleniti quod labore. Ipsam quibusdam inventore enim molestiae ducimus perspiciatis omnis. Eos repellat enim qui sit eaque maiores.

  • Image

    Jack Richard

    12 May 2018

    Et veniam possimus voluptatum voluptatem excepturi qui. Unde eum ut architecto veritatis quia deserunt incidunt consequatur. In fugiat voluptatem porro distinctio deleniti quod labore. Ipsam quibusdam inventore enim molestiae ducimus perspiciatis omnis. Eos repellat enim qui sit eaque maiores.

    Quos quos tempora ab eos eum. Et libero fugiat quia et qui. Et illo et ut dolor nihil esse dolores rerum. Ut voluptatem voluptatibus non officiis aut quia.


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